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God has blessed Kipuke Ministries with property in the northern area of Togo in the village of Pya to establish a training center for young men and women. This property was donated by the Togolese government and they are generous partners in cooperation with Kipuke Ministries, making the Lord's work there much smoother.  In fact, we are perhaps best known for our school and training center, where we conduct classes for young women in various domestic economics on a regular school schedule, as well as offering fellowship and opportunities for apprenticeships with local Christian businessmen for young men in the area.

Our current students range in age from 12 to 30, and participate in a four-year program, choosing between a main track of sewing or hairdressing.  All students also receive core training in such areas as cooking and nutrition, health and hygiene, mathematics, religion, French literacy, and English.  In some cases, the school is a safe haven from unfortunate home situations; in others, a way to provide better means for a young woman in the community.  In every case, our purpose is to give young women the ability to better themselves and their situations through education and craft training, and tuition is always free.

KM doesn't just provide a basic education for our students though; we seek to nurture our students in a Christian atmosphere, and students participate in weekly Bible studies.  We are able to prepare food each day to feed our students and staff with the produce that they help to plant and harvest on the school grounds in their agriculture classes.  We employ two childcare workers for those who have children, as well as two day guards and two night guards to keep our students and our facilities safe and secure.  Most of the students are housed in secure dormitories less than a quarter of a mile from the school, where we conduct prayer sessions on Sunday mornings and as needed/desired and foster in our girls a sense of sisterhood.


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